Surfing in Currituck County: the Pipeline of the Outer Banks

October 16, 2008

North Carolina means a lot of things to a lot of people. Did you know it is great place for surfing? When you think of surfing, do you automatically think of California? Hawaii? Australia? When you learn a few of the facts, you will rethink your surfing options.

The beaches of North Carolina, in particular the Currituck Outer Banks, are known for their warm waters, natural beauty, bright and clean sand, and plenty of close-by attractions. Between wildlife refuges and historic sites, each beach on the Outer Banks has its own style and character. Families, couples or groups of friends come from around the world to enjoy these gorgeous pristine beaches. This area is a refreshing spot with consistent and hollow surf for the surfing enthusiast.

For decades, the Outer Banks has been the most popular surf-regions in North Carolina. The reasons for this are both geographical and meteorological. While a wide continental shelf usually flattens swells at most East Coat beaches, the shelf narrows near the Outer Banks, allowing swells to reach the beach. The exposed area gets the full brunt of low-pressure weather systems in the form of nor’easters and tropical events.

The Currituck Outer Banks are unmatched in their simplicity and beauty. There are miles of clean ocean and unlimited beach access for miles along the coastline. When surfing talk turns to North Carolina, the Outer Banks are always mentioned first.

The seasons will play a part in your surfing. In the summer months, south swells can creep into the area overnight, so watch the surf reports to get the latest information about surf conditions.

The fall on the Outer Banks is fabulous. The tourists thin out and the air cools off. North swells, south swells, east swells, wind swells, hurricane swells and light westerlies make this the best surfing season. Surfers will find big pits, small pits, clean pits, and dirty pits in the fall, not to mention the famous Outer Banks spitting barrels. Normally, you can wear your trunk until October and then it will be time to switch to your full suit.

The surfing community is always willing to share information about the best surf locations, so ask them about surfing on the Currituck Outer Banks. Local shops, such as Corolla Surf Shop, are great resources for board rentals, apparel purchases, and surf lessons. Check out their services at

Learn more about surfing and other activities in the beautiful Outer Banks by checking out the Currituck County Travel & Tourism site at

Robbie Foglia writes for Ciniva Systems, an award winning Virginia web design company. Robbie Foglia is an SEO Specialist with Ciniva. Ciniva Systems is in charge of SEO for Currituck County Travel & Tourism.